Year-end review 2018
Technology Stack
Books read:
- Effective C++: 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs
- More Effective C++: 35 New Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs
- The Annotated STL Sources(using SGI STL)
Papers read:
- A Multi-State Constraint Kalman Filter for Vision-aided Inertial Navigation
- Bags of Binary Words for Fast Place Recognition in Image Sequences
Continue reading:
- State Estimation For Robotics(Timothy D. Barfoot)
- awk && sed, versatile programming language for working on files.
- z, memorize your working directories.
- tldr, tell you what a tool does and how.
- GDK: created a chassis view
- nanomsg: made a C++ adaptor to it for easy use
- DLoopDetector: fully mastered it and made some optimization.
- yaml-cpp: used uniform configuration format in many projects in company.
- yue: made a radar view demo
From Make Peace With One Thing to Get More Out of Life:
Everybody wants to matter. To make a difference. To stand out, be noticed, and admired (maybe even envied) by others.
Just do myself and ignore what others think of me.
From How to stay motivated when learning to code (10 actionable tips!)
Build up your willpower muscle.
You are more powerful than you ever imagined.
From Achieving impossible coding tasks without knowing how to do them
You’ve painted yourself into a corner, and the only way out is to do the thing you’ve been putting off
Do not hesitate to go on and be brave!
From What Business Leaders Can Learn from Honeybees
Don’t confuse the queen bee as being the most important part of a colony; it is the role she serves that is most important
Invest your time and resources on what deserves the most.
Think of your workmates as just bees with different roles, and then you may find it easier to deal and cooperate with them. Thus you can survive in annoying office politics.
- Don’t Compete. Create!
- Maintaining Productivity as Engineering Teams Scale
- The Art and Science of Leadership at Scale: 3 Lessons from Sheryl Sandberg
- People Don’t Buy Products, They Buy Better Versions of Themselves
- If you’re a developer, you should start blogging — and here’s why.
- How To Be A Leader That Inspires People To Change
- How to make yourself work when you don’t have any motivation
- Passed the postgraduate admission test
- Won PMP certificate.See, I’m qualified.
Me && Me
- Almost 8 years passed since I last did algorithm research, and I’m doing it again. This time, it’s about vehicle localization using computer vision technology. I can read English papers fluently now, and with more patience.
- I started to write blogs. Not excellent yet, but it’s a good start. And I’m not expecting to be famous someday. Recording experience earned gives me a sense of fulfillment.
- Last year, I thought many about how to be a good tech leader, and how to collaborate with others. I think I’m an excellent software programmer in the eyes of others, but maybe not a good teammate. I wish I could behave better in year 2019.