Fast exp implementations
AI Chat Series
本文是AI Chat系列文章的第1篇,主要介绍如何快速实现一个高效的指数函数计算。
\[e^x = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac{x^n}{n!}\]Ask the AI
hello, do you know how to do iterative solver for the exp operation, to reduce computation cost?
Yes! There are several iterative methods to approximate the exponential function. Here are two common approaches:
Taylor Series Expansion (simpler but less efficient):
float exp_taylor(float x, int terms) { float result = 1.0f; float term = 1.0f; for(int i = 1; i < terms; i++) { term *= x / i; result += term; } return result; }
CORDIC-like Algorithm (more efficient for embedded systems):
// Fixed-point implementation (Q16.16 format) #define FP_SHIFT 16 #define FP_ONE (1 << FP_SHIFT) #define FP_MASK ((1 << FP_SHIFT) - 1) // Pre-computed exp(2^-k) values in Q16.16 const uint32_t exp_table[] = { 178145, // exp(-1) 133652, // exp(-2) 115832, // exp(-3) 107555, // exp(-4) 103520, // exp(-5) 101567, // exp(-6) 100613, // exp(-7) 100139 // exp(-8) }; int32_t exp_cordic(int32_t x) { // Handle x = 0 case if (x == 0) return FP_ONE; // Scale input to [-1,1] range int scale = 0; while (x >= FP_ONE) { x -= FP_ONE; scale++; } while (x <= -FP_ONE) { x += FP_ONE; scale--; } int32_t result = FP_ONE; int32_t power = x; // Iterative multiplication for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (power > 0) { result = (result * exp_table[i]) >> FP_SHIFT; } power = power << 1; } // Apply scaling while (scale > 0) { result = (result * 178145) >> FP_SHIFT; // multiply by e scale--; } while (scale < 0) { result = (result * 23674) >> FP_SHIFT; // multiply by 1/e scale++; } return result; }
Fast Approximation (most efficient but less accurate):
float fast_exp(float x) {
// Based on the identity: e^x = 2^(x/ln(2))
union {
float f;
int32_t i;
} u;
const float ln2 = 0.6931471805599453f;
const float one_over_ln2 = 1.4426950408889634f;
// Scale by 1/ln(2)
float fx = x * one_over_ln2;
// Split into integer and fractional parts
int32_t ix = (int32_t)fx;
float f = fx - ix;
// Approximate 2^f using a small polynomial
float y = 1.0f + f * (0.6931471805599453f +
f * (0.2402265069591006f +
f * 0.0555041086648216f));
// Construct 2^ix * y
ix = (ix + 127) << 23;
u.i = ix;
return u.f * y;
Usage comparison:
float x = 2.5f;
// Method 1: Taylor series (slower but simple)
float result1 = exp_taylor(x, 10); // 10 terms
// Method 2: CORDIC-like (good for fixed-point)
int32_t x_fixed = (int32_t)(x * FP_ONE);
float result2 = (float)exp_cordic(x_fixed) / FP_ONE;
// Method 3: Fast approximation (fastest)
float result3 = fast_exp(x);
Key points:
- Taylor series:
- Simple to understand
- Needs more terms for accuracy
- Good for small x values
- CORDIC-like:
- Good for fixed-point arithmetic
- Consistent precision
- Table-based approach saves computation
- Fast approximation:
- Fastest method
- Uses floating-point tricks
- Less accurate but often sufficient
Choose based on your needs:
- Need high accuracy? Use Taylor series
- Using fixed-point? Use CORDIC-like
- Need speed over accuracy? Use fast approximation
The fast approximation method is often good enough for most applications while being much faster than standard library exp().
下面来测试下Fast approximation方法的性能。我让AI给我写了一个简易的测试benchmark:
const int N = 100000;
float x = 0;
TicToc timer;
for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
x += std::exp(-0.01 * i);
printf("x = %f\n", x);
printf("one exp time = %fms\n", timer.toc() / N);
方法 | 单次exp耗时 | x |
标准库 | 0.043ms | 100.5005 |
快速近似 | 0.0032ms | #.# |
可以发现fast approximation方法的单次exp耗时只有标准库的1/13,提升效果还是明显的,但是最终结果出现表征错误。那是为什么呢?下面进一步分析。
仔细分析,就会发现,由于float精度的限制,不考虑符号,其只能表征约\(2^{-126}\)到 \(2^{127}\)。因此,其幂指数超过127时,就会出现溢出,从而导致结果错误。当N设置为1000时,再次评估,就可以得到正确的结果了。
下面评估下fast approximation方法的精度

可以发现,当x=100时,fast approximation方法的精度已经非常差了。如果x值不大,精度还是可以接受的。

- 在嵌入式平台上,如果对精度要求不高,fast approximation方法是一个不错的选择,可以显著提升计算效率。